Frankie Cassidy
Human Geography
Mr. Schick

My first days at John Carroll could not have gone better. They started with my Kickstart Retreat with Mr. Uffnar and Ms. Rankle. I walked into the library thinking, great, I don't know anyone here. I decided to take the first empty table I saw. I sat there waiting for the day to begin when, finally, my friend from my old school walked in. We talked to each other all day and through all the name games that day I even made a friend. So, the Kickstart Retreat went really well.

Only four days went by before my orientation. It was four nerve-racking days of being scared I was going to get lost in the school. After waking up just after 10 AM everyday in Summer, waking up at 6:45 seemed like not even getting any sleep. Me and my mom got to the school early because we didn't want miss any information. I walked in and found all my school friends sitting together, so I went and sat with them. We listened to all the speaker's speeches about how time will fly at John Carroll, so we should cherish the moments. After that was all over they told us to listen for your advisor's name and when you here it called follow the upper class men and women who will take us to their room. I watched all my friends go to their advisors one by one and finally I heard, "Mrs. Michael!" I was lead to her room where I got my locker and started a great orientation.

After orientation only three more nervous days passed where I was heckled by my two sisters, who also went here. Their heckling only made me more nervous. After my sister, Maggie, went back to Brooklyn and my other sister, Emily, went back to Towson University I was finally stress free. Even though I was stress free I still didn't fall to asleep easily the night before the big day. I'm not sure if I really was nervous deep down or if I was too excited to sleep, but it was hard to fall asleep. When I woke up I got ready for school and left at around 7:10 since I live in Cecil County. When we got to the school to make the right hand turn in we hit a lot of traffic even though it was only 7:40 I was nervous I was going to be late. Luckily, I just made it in time to my first class, Honors Human Geography with Mr. Schick. That is when I was assigned this blog. The rest of the day went by fast. It was really just a blur. But, all in all, I couldn't have had a better first day of school and I am so excited to start, possibly, the best four years of my life.


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