9-11-17 Blog

           Today in Mr. Schick's Honor's Human Geography class Mr. Schick told us his story of what happened to him on 9-11 and then went over a review for the test tomorrow. Mr. Schick told us that on September 11, 2001, he was at John Carroll just getting ready for the back to school mass. He said that there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was as blue as it could get. Mr. Schick and another teacher were walking down the hallway when she told him about a plane colliding with one of the World Trade Centers. When Mr. Schick heard this he assumed it was one of those tiny one person planes that went way off track. After the mass was over the principal at the time made an announcement saying that another a plane has collided with the other World Trade Center and it appears America is under attack. He then told the teachers that they would be going on with their normal schedule and if they want to continue their lesson they can or if they just want to watch the news that is fine too. Mr. Schick said that he just turned on the news and he and his students watched in shock until parents came pouring in to get their children. And that was Mr. Schick's 9-11 story. After that we went over our review of the test tomorrow. We went over some of the test questions that could appear on the test. We went over what the term Arete really means and how the Ancient Greeks demonstrated Arete. We also went over the death of Socrates and why he went through with it. After that the bell rang and that wrapped up Mr. Schick's Honor's Human Geography class today.


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