Ancient Rome 101

Today in Honor's Western Civilization we started the new unit of the course which happened to be Ancient Rome. I happened to take very good notes but leave them at school however I remember  most of them so here they are:
-Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romolus and Remus
-The two were twins whose father was the Roman god Mars and their mother was a princess
-they were abandoned on the Tiber River where they built the city of Rome
-Ancient Rome is considered to have had one of the best governments of all time
-they had pieces of aristocracy, oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy
-they called it a republic
-citizens voted for representatives to vote on things on their behalf
-they had two officials called consuls
-each consul could only serve for one year and could not be re-elected for another ten years
-each consul also had equal power over the other
-plebians and patriarchs had a power struggle through Ancient Rome


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