Presenting our projects

In today's wonderful Honor's Human Geography class with Mr. Schick we continued presenting our projects on population pyramids and world hunger charities. First up was Chase and Ben where they discussed the difference in between the two countries they chose and their population pyramids. They chose two similar countries, so there was a lot to compare and not a whole lot of differences. After that they talked about how some charities don't always use the money you give them for the cause. However, it is understandable that they have to use some of the money to operate and run the charity. But, they are supposed to use as little money as possible to run the charity so that most of the money goes to the cause. After Ben and Chase were done, I was called up to present. So, I presented my project about Tajikistan and Ghana and the charities that I was comparing and describing. After I presented the bell rang and ended class.


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