The Oddyssey

Today in Honor's Western Civilization we listened to book 9 of the Oddyssey by Homer. Before we started Mr. Schick talked to us about distractions in the classroom and he decided that it would be best to go back to our old system where we place our phones on the back shelf and keep our laptops closed unless told to open them. After this we began listening to Book 9 of the Oddyssey. These are the notes that I took during it:
-traveling by ship
-strange land
-a giant monster man-mountain
-sharing gifts
-needed to be diluted
-flocks of sheep
-sacrifice to gods
-huge boulder blocking cave exit
-cyclops don't care
-oddysseus is crafty
-he ate 2 guys
-his club is as big as a ship's mast
-oddysseus: "my name is nobody"
-drills a burning mast into cyclops' eye
-escape by clinging to sheep's bellies
-trash talk
-a fatal flaw? pride?


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