World Leaders continued

In today's Honor's Human Geography class we continued on the Powerpoint on world leaders and continued to take notes on them. The first president we talks about was President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. Bashar is a very corrupt leader who will burn opposing voting ballots or even killing opposing candidates. During the Arab Spring people rioted in Syria. When this happened Bashar literally dropped bombs and chemical warfare barrels on his own citizens. Many people believe that Bashar is committing many war crimes. Another leader was Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Trudeau is a very gentle and law-abiding leader. He was an activist from a young age and Canada's youngest Prime Minister. We also learned a little bit about Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Nethanyahu. He was an advocate for an international cooperation to fight terrorism. Another leader we learned about was our own president, Donald Trump. Trump is listed as a businessman, billionaire, author, reality TV show star, and finally politician. He was given his father's real estate and construction firm. He is also our oldest president.


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