World Leaders

Today in Mr. Schick's Honor's Human Geography class we talked about world leaders, their backgrounds, and what their trying to do in their country. The first person we talked about was the President of Mexico, President Pena Nieto. Nieto is known as the "teflon candidate" because it seems as though nothing sticks to him. He had three children with his wife, but he also had two others with a mistress. It is also believed that he had his wife killed. Another leader that I found very interesting was the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. What I did not know about Angela Merkel is how smart she is. Merkel has a PhD in Quantum Physics. Now, it's hard to just get a PhD much less in Quantum Physics. The final leader that I found interesting was the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Narendra Modi has the classic "rags to riches" story. He was born into the poor section of the Indian Caste System. Dodging arranged marriages he was able to graduate from High School and College to eventually be elected Prime Minster.


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