Democracy at its finest

Today in Honors Western Civilization with Mr. Schick we continued on the Ancient Greece Google Slides presentation and took notes in our books. In today's slides we went over how direct democracy works. Here are the notes I took in class today:
-A new Form of Government
-citizens could participate but only one fifth of Athenians were citizens
-after several years, Athens practiced a direct democracy
-Direct Democracy notes
-where the state is ruled by its own citizens
-rule is based upon citizenship
-majority rule decides vote
-in the agora, citizens argued, made speeches, then voted with white and black stones
-it was first practiced in Athens under Cleisthenes around 500 BCE

I also found it interesting that it wouldn't even cross men's mind to cheat by throwing in a couple extra stones. They just respected the system so much that they wouldn't think of it. Same goes for women not even attempting to vote. Everyone loved the system so much that they didn't want to rick losing it.


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