
          Today in the wonderful Honor's Human Geography class with... Mr. Torres we read about globalization and did a Think Geographically Activity.

Globalization Notes:
-geographers see unique features in a local environment and see broad patters in the global pattern
-people who were conscerned with the environment made the phrase "think global act local". That means to do tasks in your global setting which will ultimately affect the world globally.
-globalization is a force that involves the entire world and results in making something world wide
-globalization describes how the population size of people who are able to interact with other people or objects in another place is shrinking

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Globalization as "the process by which buissneses or other organizations develop international or start operating on an international scale. defines Globalization as "the act of globalizing, or extending to other or all parts of the world.

Think Geographically Activity:
Right now I am typing this blog on my DELL Laptop while listening to music on my iphone 6 in a Lifeproof case. My Laptop was manufactured in a factory in Xiamen, China. Mi iPhone was made in Mongolia China. And my case was actually made in San Francisco, USA. Some of the items I most use at home is our TV, my Xbox, and my earbuds. Our TV is a Samsung TV. The company Samsung is a entertainment company that is stationed in Daegu, South Korea. Our particular Samsung TV was made in South Korea. My Xbox is made by a company called Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates. Microsoft is headquartered in Redmond, Washington in The United States of America. Microsoft manufactures in both China and Vietnam, but, like most companies, decided to scale back their manufacturing in China. My Xbox is pretty old which means that it was most likely made in China. My earbuds are made by a company called SkullCandy. SkullCandy is located right here in America in Park City, Utah. However, SkullCandy manufactures most of their products in China which is where my earbuds were made. In conclusion, we can really see not a lot of the everyday items we use are mad in America.


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