Review Day

Today in Honors Western Civilization we had a review day for the upcoming test tomorrow. We watched the 46 slide power point on Ancient Greece and copied any notes that we may have missed the first time. Before this review day I actually thought that Hipias was Cleisthenes son, but now I know that Cleisthenes actually overthrew Hipias to take control of Athens. After the overthrow there was a power struggle between Isagoras and Cleisthenes. Isagoras had the support of some aristocrats and Sparta while Cleisthenes had the support of the majority of Athens. Isagoras eventually became a tyrant in Ancient Greece. Cleisthenes' followers overthrew Hipias and invented Democracy in 508 BCE. This was the first time a group of people overthrew their government to start a democracy. Citizens would come in to vote on a law by dropping a black or white stone into a basket. The rest of history shows that it really worked out for Greece.


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