Ancient Greece philosophers

Today in Honors Western Civilization we finished the Ancient Greek Google Slides Presentation. Here are the notes that I took today:
-looked to science and logic for explanations of how the world worked
-the Socratic method fostered critical thinking
-"I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think."
-charged with impiety and corrupting the youth 
-he described himself as a horse fly and Athens as a horse
- asked for free dinners for what he has done
- found guilty and sentenced to drinking poison hemlock
- Plato was a student and follower of Socrates
- he wrote out Socrates' teachings and described his trial in Apology
- Republic was Socrates' discussion of justice and the ideal books on philosophy ever written
- a student of Plato
- he helped foster the idea of Athens as an intellectual destination
- his school- the Lyceum- focused on cooperative research- building on knowledge gathered from all over the world


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