9-6-17 Blog

              Today in the notorious Honor's Human Geography class with Mr. Schick we went over some important things that involve Ancient Greece which consisted of agora, polis, the importance of the year 508 BC to the Ancient Greeks, Socrates, the death of Socrates, the Socratic Method, and what the Ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot. We learned that Agora was a public open space often used for artistic, athletic, or spiritual purposes. A polis is a political entity owned by their bodies of citizens. It is also the origin of the word politics, metropolitan, and poll. The year 508 BC was a very important year for Ancient Greece. 508 BC is the year Cleisthenes revolted against Greeks government and instated Democracy into Greece. We also learned about a man named Socrates. Socrates was a Greek Philosopher who is believed to have discovered western philosophy. We also learned about the interesting death of Socrates. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth and not believing in the state's god's so he was sentenced to death. But, he was sentenced to death by suicide. The court forced him to take poison and kill himself. Off of that happy note the bell rang and class was over.


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