
           In today's Honor's Human Geography class with Mr. Schick we had a test on Socrates, Excellence, Ancient Greece, and "A message to Garcia". Before the test was even handed out I couldn't stop laughing because of Mr. Schick making these rhyming sayings and said it was rapping and then dropped "the paperclip". I think the test went pretty well. I studied a lot and was happy with myself because I knew a lot of the multiple choice and short answers, if not all of them. I think the essays went pretty well. I was only confused on one and I'm not sure if I did it right or not, but we'll find out soon. I took the test right down to the last 30 seconds of class. I took so long not because I was still working, but because I like to double, triple, and even quadruple check that I did everything correct and actually answered the question. After I got finished I handed my test to Mr. Schick and enjoyed my 15 seconds of freedom until the bell rang.


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