9-7-17 blog

          Today was a very short, yet sweet, Honor's Human Geography class with Mr. Schick. We talked about how the excellence in being a John Carroll Student, the excellence in which Elbert Hubbard describes in his famous essay "a message to Garcia", and the excellence the Ancient Greeks have all relate to each other. We also got into more depth about who Socrates really was. When Socrates was a young man he worked as a stonemason where he shaped pieces of stone into geometric shapes. He also fought in the Peloponnesian War. Socrates would teach young students, right around my age, right outside of the agora. Socrates believed that if he asked many questions to these students he could figure out their beliefs and how knowledgeable they are. This method that Socrates made ultimately led to the creation of the scientific method which is very similar. After those 10 minutes it was time for me to go to my football game (where we lost).


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