Crude Birth and Death Rates

In today's wonderful Honor's Human Geography class with the one and only Mr. Schick we talked more in depth about birth and death rates. A very odd, but believable, fact on life expectancy is that the women life expectancy is longer than the men life expectancy. Mr. Schick asked us why we think that and there were many different answers from "men are more stupid" to "men drive more than women in certain countries". However, the answer that I found most interesting was that men fight in wars much more than women do. I found this interesting because even in America much more men serve in the military than women. And in other countries women can't even serve in the military. Is it because of this that the men life expectancy is less than the women life expectancy? We then talked about crude birth and death rates which are births and deaths per 1,000 people. After that we talked about the rate of natural increase which is found by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate to find the total amount of growth (this number can be negative). After this, the bell rang and ended class.


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