Guam does not have a volcano

             In today's wonderful Honor's Human Geography class with Mr. Schick we finished our top 25 growing countries map and found "cool" facts about countries. It is actually pretty interesting seeing how small some of these countries are and how much they are growing. It is also interesting seeing some of these countries that you've never even heard of. To be honest I thought Bangladesh was a movie. I also thought Guam was a fictional place. After we were finished with the map we had to find a country that we are not too familiar with. Once we found a country we had to find a cool or interesting fact about that country. Since I thought Guam wasn't a real place I figured why not find a cool fact about it. So, it turned out Guam isn't the most exciting place in the world. I saw the word volcano and figured there was a volcano on Guam. Turns out I was wrong. However, I did find out other thing about other countries. For example, I found out that Antarctica has twenty three airports. After all this the bell rang ending class.


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