We got our tests back

In today's Honor's Human Geography class with the one and only Mr. Schick we got our tests back! When I walked into class I was surprisingly greeted by a Halloween Party where there was a bunch of candy and happy faces. After the candy was passed out Mr. Schick put the ceremonial bell on the stool and began to call our names to come get our tests. The class average on this test was actually pretty high, so there were a lot of single dings when Mr. Schick handed these back. I was extremely pleased when Mr. Schick called my name, rang the bell once, and handed me back my test with 97% on it. After we finished going over the tests, we continued on the powerpoint. Today's lesson was on push and pull factors which are factors that either draw people to the country or push them away from the country. Some push factors consist of: civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment or underemployment, and religious or ethnic oppurtunity. Some pull factors consist of: better economic oppurtunity, better health services, religious freedom, and political freedom. After this the bell rang and ended class. 


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