Test Day!!!!

               In today's wonderful Honor's Human Geography class with Mr. Schick we had a test! However, I came to this test with my mind somewhat prepared. But, at the start of class I made a huge mistake. I decided to drink a whole bottle of water right before I started the test. So, I had to go to the bathroom during the test. However, I was taking the test left handed which meant that I didn't have the time to go to the bathroom. Besides this, I think I did pretty well on the test today. There were only two questions that I didn't know. I was confused on the one that asked which choice does not describes a proposal of Sir Sanford Fleming's time zone proposal and the one that asked what a name of a place is. Other than that, I found all of the multiple choice questions easy. I also found the essay pretty easy as well. I wrote all about how we can implement the philosophy "Think global, act local". After I turned in my test the bell rang and ended class.


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